Thursday, August 18, 2011

Pretty Girl Lily Clarke Sleep for A month

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A student today told how he missed celebrating her birthday and university exams because sleep. Lily Clarke, 21, Kleine-Levin syndrome which he can fall asleep about a month at one time.

Shee could only wake up about an hour a day to eat and drink before sleep. During the three years she was receiving treatment from the seven experts and undergo various medication inspections.

Her mother, Adele, 47, is aware of the diseases that Lily after reading a similar case in the newspaper Daily Mail in February last year. According to Adele, Lily started to deal with the problem after playing an ice-skating in November 2007.

Lily Clarke

“She complained of dizziness. After playing, we went to a restaurant and a lily bed without touching food.

“She refused to leave her bed for a month and do not wish to eat or drink. She would sleep 23 hours a day and could not hear a noise or light. She got up before Christmas but can not remember what was happening to him.

About a month later, Lily is supposed to sit, have the same episode. She slept for three weeks until his parents had to cancel her birthday celebration.

The scene repeats itself several times and even managed to go to college, she left behind in her studies and was not taking the examination for sleep

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