Saturday, July 16, 2011

Tips to Easy Get Google Adsense Account

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Tips to Easy Get Google Adsense Account

Every person who just started the journey as a blogger must be dreaming to immediately get a Google Adsense account and earn a lot from one of the internet giant. But now for the GA is not as easy to get an account of yore, only with a capital first blog from blogspot and 2-3 copy and paste the article was able to get an account within 2-3 days. 

Today is different, although the domain of capital TLD (Top Level Domain) is not necessarily easy to get by, sometimes have to wait months to approve even rejected outright. A little story my friend there who enroll become publisher GA in November but the month of February a new diapprove yesterday, but there is also a diapprove week. calibaration have calibaration, it turns out there are a few tips to be accepted as a publisher with mudah.Berikut GA are a few tips:

  • Use the Top Level Domain (TLD) that ends with eg.. Com, net,. Org, etc. and do not register with subdomains
  • After creating a blog / new site just wait a minimum of 20 days to get enough visitors.
  • As much as possible the content of your blog there is good and original aliases do not copy and paste
  • In the domain registration to use the real name and address of your original, do not use a pseudonym.
  • At the time of registering google also uses real names do not use the name of your neighbor.
  • Simply apply for 1x only, you wait until word is received or rejected new ditolak.jika you submit the application again
  • Make sure the traffic / visitors to you at least 50 UV / day
  • Make a blog / your website look professional
  • Use a good host (rarely down) and free from malware
  • As much as possible language blog / website you are using english
Tips above its just easier and no guarantee is received, but the chances of being accepted and get google adsense account becomes easier and faster. Actually there is one more way to get google adsense account is to buy it. Now a lot of which sell services account creation GA especially in forums such as and 

No need to fear the account that the average sale is safe, I never bought an account from kaskus and has 5x payout even though eventually got banned too because I pengunakan our site which is prohibited by the rules of google. So for those of you who do not have a google adsense account is immediately created, and do not give up if rejected. []

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